Established on 16th December 2013, Bumiputera Retail Organization or BRO is represented by leading Bumiputera entrepreneurs in their respective retail specialisations who wishes to contribute towards the development and growth of Bumiputera businesses within the retail and distributive trade ecosystem. With an emphasis on quality over quantity, BRO members occupy more than 10 million square foot of retail space with a total collective annual gross sales of RM8 billion which provide employment for more than 19,000 Malaysians!
BRO actively provides valuable opinions and honest feedbacks to various Government bodies including ministries, statutory bodies and agencies with regards to any proposed policy changes and structural issues affecting the business community in general. BRO encourages networking and close collaboration among its members to enable Bumiputera businesses to grow to greater heights.

To be the authorative leading voice for all Bumiputera entrepreneurs in empowering Bumiputera agenda

To be a functional platform for Bumiputera entrepreneurs in safeguarding and promoting the Bumiputera agenda within the retail ecosystem.

  • To protect, promote and advance the interests of Members.
  • To enhance the retail environment by assisting the Members in their expansionary plans by assisting with securing suitable location and to enhance the quality of its Members, products and services offerings.
  • To educate and train the Members on every aspect of retail business.
  • Developing and maintaining affiliations with counterpart organizations locally and globally.
  • To maintain and promote good relations between Members, their employees, suppliers and consumers.
  • To improve communications between Members, the government and the private sector.
  • To encourage high business ethics amongst its Members.
  • To encourage its Members to indulge in socially responsible practices.
  • To conduct, with the approval of the Registrar of Societies and other relevant authorities, fundraising from other organisations (corporate, non-governmental or governmental) and members of the public in order to achieve the abovementioned objectives.
  • To assist Members with marketing and promotional activity and financing facilities.
  • To assist Members with securing or strengthening its financing facilities.
  • To secure as many contributing Members as reasonably possible from various interest groups involved in or connected to the retail supply chain around Malaysia in order to enhance credibility and stability of BRO.