Datuk Wira Haji Dr. Ameer Ali Mydin

Mydin Mohamed Holdings Bhd

Assalammulaikum w.b.t.

It is indeed an honour for me to be elected as President of the new BRO EXCO committee for year 2022 – 2024, what more with BRO celebrating its 10th year Anniversary this year in 2023

BRO was founded in the year of 2013, in collaboration with PUNB. We have progressed so much over the last 10 years with stronger recognition from Ministries over our role to assist in shaping the country’s policies.  Over the course of the past decade, BRO has played a crucial role in aiding Bumiputera entrepreneurs in safeguarding and enhancing their vested interests in the retail supply chain industry. We look forward to working closely with all our members to assist in their growth.

Thank you.